"Being a full-time mom is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field ...since the payment is pure love."

Friday, April 29, 2011

Spring Time!

Happy Spring, everyone!  After all this rain, maybe we'll start to see some green grass and flowers! :)  I decided to start a blog because quite frankly, I don't know how to start a website.  I figured this would be a good way to "journal" my every day life, and also talk about my cupcakes.

Bo has learned how to crawl ...well, sort of.  It's more like an army crawl.  He uses his arms to basically drag the rest of his body.  It's very funny to watch.  So now the real baby proofing begins! He says "Dadadada"  but no "mamma."  I can't believe he is going on 9 months old.  I am so thankful that I get to be with him every day to watch him grow and change.  I cherish these days, because I know they'll be gone all too fast. 

Everyone keeps asking when we're going to have baby #2.  We have no real plans in that department.  I am still nursing, so right now it's probably not even possible.  But rest assured, there will be more Miller babies (Lord willing), and they'll probably be fairly close in age.  :)

This is going to be a busy spring/summer for us.  We have lots of projects to do on the house.  We are hoping to be able to put it on the market next summer/fall.  But of course, that's not written in stone. 

I have been a busy bee getting everything together for the cupcake bouquets for Mother's Day.  I hope everyone likes them!  I'm already putting together ideas for Father's Day, summer, fall, winter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Wait ...I'm getting ahead of myself.  I better see how Mother's Day goes first!  Hopefully I'll get some pictures posted when they're done.
Ben is going to build me a cupcake tower!  I might use it for my sister's graduation party, and also Ben's grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary.  I love cupcakes.  They are more forgiving than cakes.  For example, if you mess one up, you can just scrape the frosting off and start over. 

Well, that's all for now.  I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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